Monday, December 29, 2014

Netgear router default user name and password

Username: admin
Password: password

how to turn your PC into wifi router

Easiest way for windows 7 users:

Use this software

Make sure to click "direct download link" to avoid downloading the downloader itself.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

creating wine shortcuts on ubuntu

  1. Open your favourite text editor (gedit, nano, etc.), create a new file with the following content and save it to your Desktop with a name having extension .desktop
    In this example, I've chosen to the name inetexplorer.desktop and saved it to my desktop.
    [Desktop Entry]
    Name=Internet Explorer
    Exec=wine "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
    Here, replace the value for Name field with that of the target application's name. (In the example, it's Internet Exolorer.) The value of Exec would be in the format:
    wine "C:\path to the\executable file"
    (for GUI applications)
    wineconsole "C:\path to the\executable file"
    (for CLI application) like say
    wine "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"
    (enclosing the path within double quotes ".. .." is important if the path contain blank spaces.)
    Replace /path/to/iconfile (the value for Icon field) with the path of an icon file (like Icon=/home/username/Pictures/internet-explorer.png) or you can omit this line of entry.
    On the left is a shortcut with icon specified, for the one on right, not. iconField
  2. Turn on the file's execute bit on.
    Graphically you can do it by right clicking the .desktop file, and from the context menu select Properties. In the properties window, select Permission tab, look for a label Execute: and check-mark the check-box next to it so that the shortcut becomes executable.
    selecting property from right-click context menu rightClickTheFile
    setting execute permission executableProperty
    From terminal, you can do this with:
    chmod +x $USER/Desktop/inetexplorer.desktop
    where $USER/Desktop/inetexplorer.desktop should be the absolute path of the desktop shortcut that was created.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

How to copy paste format from excel --- generating heat map with customer-defined scale using just excel 2013

This might sound silly but it is beneficial for those who doesn't know programming.

Example task: generate a heat map of a matrix based on the values of log2(value + 1)

1. You create a new sheet and use formula to generate the matrix of log transformed value   value' = log2(value + 1)

2. highlight/select all the elements inside this new matrix, click conditional formatting button on excel
3. copy (ctrl + c)
4. paste it onto a ppt file with the formatting preserved
5. copy and past it back to the ORIGINAL(non log transformed) data matrix by choosing to paste format only

And thus the heatmap is done, with numbers on it.

Monday, December 22, 2014

SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\x8d' in file /woldlab/castor/proj/programs/samtools-0.1.16/bin/samtools on line 2, but no encoding declared; see for details

This python error can have a lot of reasons to trigger, one of which is a silly one:
If you use python to run a non-python script, or you simply mistakenly added "python" in your code when feeding the server.  : (

Sunday, December 21, 2014

How to use linux virtual platform Wine (use windows on linux system)

1. open terminal, and use sudo apt-get install to download wine program
2. Install wine program
3. Everytime you want to run a windows program on linux, use wine + [program name]

To uninstall a program:
 use wine uninstaller

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

[Solved][Excel] Sorting doesn't work

After doing custom sorting on excel, it's always a good idea to double check, because sometimes it doesn't work.

Things to check:
1. Area to sort. The new excel 2013 will be "smart" enough to interpret your Ctrl + A as selecting the whole local area you are paying attention. So it may not include all the elements in the sheet, which will bring extra trouble

2. After sorting. It may not sort out the result you want, at least when you are using calculated values to sort and the formula are somewhat not beautiful to excel.
When sorting doesn't work on calculated values(the results of formula dependent on other columns), tidy up the formula (better use C:C rather than C1 C2 C3...) and it should work, hopefully

Sunday, December 7, 2014



  邪恶的Dr. Man就是袁世凯,虽然是个先进人才,但由白转黑,到后来库珀(Cooper)发现信错人了就后悔莫及。 