Saturday, September 28, 2019

how to transfer credit from old circuit laundry card (with chip) to the smart phone app system

1. call circuit (01422 820026),  press 1 to ask for refund and transfer value etc.
2. They will tell you that "unfortunately" if your old card is lost you can't do that. You should hold on
3. and one person would pick up the phone. You just need to tell him the email addresses associated with your old card and new account and he will transfer the fund for you.

Cambridge University card shows 0 balance at canteen when used as a meal card

It might show that your balance is 0
The reason can be:
You used your whole wallet to contact the touch machine. Other cards in your wallet can interfere with your university card. So the correct way is to take out the card and use it as a contact card.
However, other places might accept your whole wallet, such as door access etc.

Friday, September 20, 2019

How to set up University of Cambridge email on Apple iphone ios mail app

The university provided this tutorial:

But it didn't work for me, instead, I did something else that worked:

Settings -> accounds and passwords -> add acount -> Other ... and then fill the incoming and outgoing info according to this:

I then immediately got emails synced

Monday, September 16, 2019

nano editer: how to go to next page

Nano Editor Learn

NOTE: Any command prefixed with a caret symbol (^) means to use the Ctrl key (e.g., ^Gmeans to press the Ctrl+G keys at the same time).

^G     nano help

^A     move to beginning of line in nano

^E     move to end of line in nano

^Y     move down a page - next page in nano

^V     move up a page - previous page in nano

^_     move to a specific line (^_^V moves to the top of the file, ^_^Y to the bottom)

^C     find out what line the cursor is currently on

^W    search or find some text in nano

^D     delete character currently under the cursor

^K     delete line in nano, nano remove line

Also for remove or clear or delete some content or multiple lines you can select lines with your mouse and then use CTRL+K.

^O     save file in nano (you will be prompted for a file to save to)

^X     exit nano (you will be prompted to save your file if you have not)

python if statement check element is in a list

elem in LIST

Thursday, September 12, 2019

how to track how many words you typed on Mac --- Use Sogou input method

The newest version of Sogou input has enabled functions to track how many words you have typed so far on Mac.
If you already installed Sogou, click on the icon on top right -> 关于 and then click download the newest version, install, and then click on the icon on top right again -> 偏好设置 -> 统计 to enable tracking

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

[solved]Jupyter notebook not displaying ggplot object generated in a custom function

Instead of GenerateGGplot(input),
do print(GenerateGGplot(input)) inside your function script

HCA Sanger Sample Tracker Information Query

Retrieve information from the Sample Tracker Database: