Monday, March 26, 2018

How to set multiple colors to transparency using Microsoft PowerPoint

Powerpoint has a feature to set one color to transparency

To set multiple to transparency, you will need to do it sequentially:
1. set one color to transparency
2. save this image to a file
3. import back the saved image
4. go back to step 1. for another color

Sunday, March 25, 2018

How to create shortcuts/aliases/nicknames for your ssh server address

1.   cd ~/.ssh
2.   nano config
       #this is to create a file named config
3.   type your server nickname, address and username into this file and save. An example from 
Host scotch
    User nick

Host example2
    User root

Monday, March 12, 2018

How To change user data of LibreOffice on Mac

LibreOffice -> Preferences -> LibreOffice -> User Data

Convert currency between nations with rate change considered: check currency rates in history

Check old transactions on Chase bank online - find transactions too old to show

Log on, click on the accound you want to view, and click statements. Only the records for statements cover all the history transactions while "transactions" panel does not.