Thursday, January 31, 2019

convert a very long web page into a single-page pdf file

Print using system settings
paper size -> customize, set a large length parameter while maintaining the width
Then save to pdf

If you want to do text recognition by Adobe acrobat, you can't let the length be over 45 inch.
So you'll have to proportionally decrease width, length and scale, all of these three parameters.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

nucleus speckles, cajal bodies, nucleolus and more

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Illustrator workshop at Art Center 01/24/15

Reset massedup windows:
Window -> Workspace -> Reset essential
You can even save your workspace(layout of windows)
Personalize interface:
Illustrator -> Preference ->User interface
Create new files:
command + n
Bleed: for the file to be sent to the printer
1 inch = 72 points
1 pica = 12 points
Perfect Sqaure:
hold shift
hold option (to draw from the center)
option + shift + draw: perfect sqaure from the center
After you create a rectangle, while you can still resize it by clicking and dragging, you can click and hold & press space to move it

Creating precise size of rectangle:
click on the rectangle tool, then directly click on a point on the blank file. Then it asks for precise parameters

rounded rectangle:
click and hold rectangle, choose rounded rectangle, while holding mouse, click up and down on keyboard to adjust edge

rectangle -> polygon and draw. while holding the mouse, use up and down to control the number of edges

similar as above. While hoding the mouse, if you also hold command you can adjust the outer part, if you release command then the outer and inner scale together

when you hold shift, you draw horizontal, vertical or diagonal

similar as above
The best part is: click on the type on a path tool (T), and click on the spiral. Then you can type

To type on the inside: type -> type on a path -> type on a path options -> check flip

[solved]Google Calendar Can't add task

Make sure you checked the task box on the left panel

Monday, January 28, 2019

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

WGCNA: signed vs signed hybrid

In a signed network, the similarity is defined as (1+cor)/2; in a signed hybrid the similarity equals the correlation if the correlation is positive and zero otherwise

Monday, January 7, 2019

California DMV vehicle registration renew fee was increased in 2018

Illustrator insert/type brackets

Type -> Glyphs

Then you can type that symbol using this symbol font (as text)

Import pdf images to Illustrator

File -> Open

UCSC genome browser hide track names and track descriptions

1.Click on the left rectangle bar of any track
2.Click All Tracks (blue underlined link)
3.Uncheck display track descriptions etc.

Instagram scammer Chris Londo

This guy collects photos of other males and manages multiple instagram accounts

Sunday, January 6, 2019

UCSC Genome browser cannot load[solved]

The solution for me this time turned out to be:

Use a different wifi network.

Our campus secure Wifi network blocked UCSC genome browser!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

China Eastern Airline : Please select Nationality 中国东方航空(东航):请选择居住国

When you are trying to add a passenger and fill in their personal information to get both boarding passes, this usually pops up. The bug is intrinsic and there is no way to fix it because the pop-up form they ask you to fill about a co-traveler's information doesn't have the item of Nationality to choose. So the app will never get the nationality it requires to proceed.

The solution is: use a computer to get your boarding pass.

东航的APP有bug 请用网上值机