Thursday, February 21, 2019

[Solved]Can't delete Mac backup in progress files: how to delete the partial backup file of Time Machine

A big mistake people usually make is to manually delete a backup that Time Machine has created or has been trying to create. Once you delete it, it will be moved to the trash and get stuck there. You can't empty the trash or put it back.

One solution is to use Admin permission to completely delete it:

cd /Volumes/(backup drive name)/.Trashes/
sudo ls 501/
sudo rm -rf 501/Backups.backupdb/

More information is here:

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Hidden rules for zotero citation Google Chrome Extension

1. When you want to grab the paper's identity to save to your library, make sure you are using the same platform to view the article (e.g, only use Google Scholar). Because Zotero is not good at formatting different websites' styles coherently.

2. Make sure you add commas and mind the orders of citations by yourself

3. Duplicated library items can be automatically detected but have to be manually removed with care

4. Don't hit the Refresh button in Word too many times while it's loading slowly. Word may have to be restarted

Monday, February 18, 2019

[Word]how to add automatic page number to refer specific pages/sections in a thesis/dissertation/article

To make automatic numbering work, Word has to know what are the anchor points it needs to pay attention to. These anchor points are usually called headings.

Create texts using heading formats.

Then put your cursor to wherever you want to insert the page number, then:
Reference -> Cross-reference then follow the instructions

Thursday, February 14, 2019

display/print R object attribute property/dimension/size without printing all of their contents

While it's been suggested to use attribute()
It's actually more user-friendly to use


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

How to quickly insert empty cells on Excel

Move your cursor to the bottom right of a cell, the curser will become a thin "+"
Hold on Shift, Click and drag it down or right, empty cells will be filled along the way