Wednesday, July 24, 2019

illustrator align objects to an anchor

1.Click the Direct-Selection tool, hold down Shift, and select the anchor points you want to align or distribute. The last anchor point you select becomes the key anchor point.

2. Window > Align, click the bottom right triangle in the pop-up window, select "The Align To Key Anchor  option"

[solved]Illustrator converts circles to crossed boxes

It's because of the fonts

Solutionb: select all objects -> Type -> Font -> Arial -> regular

More to read:

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

[solved]grep -w: no such file or directory

I mistakenly put grep -f -w <query key file> <query file>

The grep command has to put query key file immediately after -f
So the correct command is:
grep -w -f <query key file> <query file>

Thursday, July 18, 2019

[Solved] Excel cannot replace characters after finding them

I was trying to replace a character and Excel indeed said that it found 300+ replacements.
However, the content didn't change!!!!

I was on Mac. I tried a couple of times and Excel thought it replaced the character but didn't

Solution:  Save that file. And then replace!!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Linux log in save passphrase. Stop typing passphrase every time you log in or transfer files

Just edit this file: ~/.ssh/config,
add these:

Host *
    UseKeychain yes

Monday, July 15, 2019

Lucidchart avoid intersection/line cross with a jump

Select/highlight the lines you want to jump -> Line style drop down menu  (the one you use to switch between solid and broken lines, to the left of "2px" )-> jump