Friday, January 19, 2018

how to download fastq files from sra website

 as an example

1. go visit
2. click on the SRR1051536 to go to the sra site
3. find the experiment ID SRX393264, copy it
4. move curser over the "Download" on the  upper panel  and click "FASTA/FASTQ"
5. paste the experiment ID, click "show runs"
6. choose "FASTQ" as the format of data you want to download, click the "download" on the bottom right.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

ERROR: A required extension module could not be imported because it is incompatible with your system. A quick fix is to recompile the extension modules with the following command:

got errors like this one:

pip uninstall cutadapt

pip install --user --upgrade cutadapt

It solved the problem.

Friday, January 5, 2018

How to extract color identity from an image

Only this website works with .png so far:

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Macbook: Bluetooth not available

1. Open Finder
2. Hold option and click GO -> Library
3. In the folder Library, Navigate to Preferences
4. Delete the file

You may or may not have to restart your computer

Adapted from :