Tuesday, November 19, 2019

How to draft a seating plan for college formal dinner using PerfectTablePlan

1. Open a previous plan file
2. Delete all the guests
3. import a csv file with the guests for this dinner, make sure you use the correct column for group ID (usually the host column)
4. Merge groups whose members request being seated next to each other
5. Manually drag group members to corresponding tables
6. check proximities or conflicts by holding down the corresponding buttons

Thursday, November 14, 2019

how to add CRUK office 365 email to outlook client on Mac

1. Outlook -> Preferences... -> Accounts -> +
2. type your email, it should automatically recognize that it is an Office 365 email and ask you to type your password in a new window that has CRUK logo there.

How to set up Sanger email on Outlook office client

1. Outlook -> Preferences -> Accounts -> +
2. Choose Exchange as the type of email if not defaulted to
3. type your email address, username should be SANGER\[Your username]

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to use EBI VPN

after you set up your VPN following the instructions searchable at tsc.ebi.ac.uk,
open a browser and show the passcode
click on the green "s" logo on top right
EBI VPN -> connect
primary password is the one from the browser
secondary password is your EBI password

Saturday, November 2, 2019

how to stop Dropbox app from uploading photos from iphone

1. Open Dropbox app
2. Personal (bottom right button)
3. Camera Upload, select off

Friday, November 1, 2019

How to show unread emails only, on Mac Outlook 16.16.15

Click on the email folder / inbox you are interested in
Click Home tab
Click Filter Email drop down menu and select "Unread"

Sunday, October 6, 2019

How to delete an email account on iOS and why you don't see a delete button.

To do a normal deletion for an , say, email account, just do:
settings -> accounts and passwords -> tap your account you want to delete -> tap delete.

If there's no delete button, you need to delete the corresponding profile by:
settings -> General -> Profiles 
to delete.

More information can be found here:

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

python convert lists to dict

dictOfWords = { i : 5 for i in listOfStr }

dictOfWords = { test[i] : bdata.uns['celltype_colors'][i] for i in range(len(test)) }

Saturday, September 28, 2019

how to transfer credit from old circuit laundry card (with chip) to the smart phone app system

1. call circuit (01422 820026),  press 1 to ask for refund and transfer value etc.
2. They will tell you that "unfortunately" if your old card is lost you can't do that. You should hold on
3. and one person would pick up the phone. You just need to tell him the email addresses associated with your old card and new account and he will transfer the fund for you.

Cambridge University card shows 0 balance at canteen when used as a meal card

It might show that your balance is 0
The reason can be:
You used your whole wallet to contact the touch machine. Other cards in your wallet can interfere with your university card. So the correct way is to take out the card and use it as a contact card.
However, other places might accept your whole wallet, such as door access etc.

Friday, September 20, 2019

How to set up University of Cambridge email on Apple iphone ios mail app

The university provided this tutorial:


But it didn't work for me, instead, I did something else that worked:

Settings -> accounds and passwords -> add acount -> Other ... and then fill the incoming and outgoing info according to this:

I then immediately got emails synced

Monday, September 16, 2019

nano editer: how to go to next page

Nano Editor Learn

NOTE: Any command prefixed with a caret symbol (^) means to use the Ctrl key (e.g., ^Gmeans to press the Ctrl+G keys at the same time).

^G     nano help

^A     move to beginning of line in nano

^E     move to end of line in nano

^Y     move down a page - next page in nano

^V     move up a page - previous page in nano

^_     move to a specific line (^_^V moves to the top of the file, ^_^Y to the bottom)

^C     find out what line the cursor is currently on

^W    search or find some text in nano

^D     delete character currently under the cursor

^K     delete line in nano, nano remove line

Also for remove or clear or delete some content or multiple lines you can select lines with your mouse and then use CTRL+K.

^O     save file in nano (you will be prompted for a file to save to)

^X     exit nano (you will be prompted to save your file if you have not)

python if statement check element is in a list

elem in LIST

Thursday, September 12, 2019

how to track how many words you typed on Mac --- Use Sogou input method

The newest version of Sogou input has enabled functions to track how many words you have typed so far on Mac.
If you already installed Sogou, click on the icon on top right -> 关于 and then click download the newest version, install, and then click on the icon on top right again -> 偏好设置 -> 统计 to enable tracking

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

[solved]Jupyter notebook not displaying ggplot object generated in a custom function

Instead of GenerateGGplot(input),
do print(GenerateGGplot(input)) inside your function script

HCA Sanger Sample Tracker Information Query

Retrieve information from the Sample Tracker Database:

Thursday, August 29, 2019

[Solved] Cambridge University St Edmund's college Circuit laundry card invalid card number

You might want to register/top up your Circuit laundry card but it always gives you an error saying that your card number is invalid.

Here are potential fixes:

1. Add a "0" to the head of your 8-digit number
My card number has the format of : LXXXX ESD YYYYYYYY X/XX
So my card number should be 0YYYYYYYY

2. Make sure you choose the right laundry room site
a. You can figure out the site by visiting the laundry room and find out the "site number" on the wall, and then call 01422820026 to ask which site it is
b. For St. Edmund's College there are two sites :
      b1. Cambridge -> St. Edmund's College -> Mount Pleasant Halls
      b2. Cambridge -> Cambridge University -> St. Edmund's College
   If you use the one in the old buildings please choose b2.

Friday, August 16, 2019

How to set up Cambridge University email on Outlook

I'm using my outlook (version 16.16.10) on my Mac (Mojave 10.14.3)

Cambridge UIS didn't provide a working tutorial for me. So I'm writing down the correct version in case someone needs it:

1. Open outlook -> Tools --> Accounts
2. Click the + on bottom left -> new account
3. Type your XXX@cam.ac.uk email, click continue , then quickly click "choose the provider"
4. Select IMAP/POP . (Don't select Exchange or 365)
5. Then fill the form based on these instructions:

  • Email address: Your CRSid@cam.ac.uk email address – e.g. xyz123@cam.ac.uk
  • User name: Your CRSid – e.g. xyz123
  • Password: Your password for Hermes (this might not be the same as your Raven password)
  • Incoming Server: imap.hermes.cam.ac.uk
  • Port: 993
  • Security/Encryption: SSL
  • Outgoing Server: smtp.hermes.cam.ac.uk
  • Port: 587
  • Security/Encryption: STARTTLS (optional)
Then it's done!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

connecting to EBI ssh gateway


After putting your public key to the server, you can just type:

ssh username@ligate.ebi.ac.uk -p 2244

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

illustrator align objects to an anchor

1.Click the Direct-Selection tool, hold down Shift, and select the anchor points you want to align or distribute. The last anchor point you select becomes the key anchor point.

2. Window > Align, click the bottom right triangle in the pop-up window, select "The Align To Key Anchor  option"

[solved]Illustrator converts circles to crossed boxes

It's because of the fonts

Solutionb: select all objects -> Type -> Font -> Arial -> regular

More to read:

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

[solved]grep -w: no such file or directory

I mistakenly put grep -f -w <query key file> <query file>

The grep command has to put query key file immediately after -f
So the correct command is:
grep -w -f <query key file> <query file>

Thursday, July 18, 2019

[Solved] Excel cannot replace characters after finding them

I was trying to replace a character and Excel indeed said that it found 300+ replacements.
However, the content didn't change!!!!

I was on Mac. I tried a couple of times and Excel thought it replaced the character but didn't

Solution:  Save that file. And then replace!!!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Linux log in save passphrase. Stop typing passphrase every time you log in or transfer files

Just edit this file: ~/.ssh/config,
add these:

Host *
    UseKeychain yes

Monday, July 15, 2019

Lucidchart avoid intersection/line cross with a jump

Select/highlight the lines you want to jump -> Line style drop down menu  (the one you use to switch between solid and broken lines, to the left of "2px" )-> jump

Monday, June 24, 2019

how to copy-paste/insert a table in outlook 2018 email new message on Mac

While composing a new email
1. click the Options tab
2. switch on the Format Text
3. Copy-paste your table from Excel

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

How to remove watermark for your graduation photos

I'll take gradimages.com as an example

1. Go to the page that contains your graduation photos. Mine is:
2. Pick the image you want to download for free, zoom in and find its photo ID
3. If you are using Google Chrome, press fn + F12 or F12 to turn on developer mode (other browsers should be similar)
4. After the browser codes are loaded, click on it and press cmd + F to search
5. Search that image ID, you will find an url that links to your photo!!! Mine is:
6. remove that preset=p you will get a small image without water mark

7.Play with that URL to find out more!

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Illustrator textbox contains red highlights/fills

If the original font is missing, they are going to show red highlights. You can change the font to those you own for the current version of illustrator.

Cambridge University iDiscover cannot log in although password correct

When you realize that the webpage freezes without logging you in and that your password isn't wrong, that may be a browser issue for the login page:

To fix it, click on the top left "Not secure" text in the browser and choose "allow"
Then you will reload the page and it will log you in

Monday, June 10, 2019

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Excel copy paste gene names converted to a date and corrupted

Sept7 is converted to September 7th

To fix this:
1. Type something on an excel file
2. Then select all
3. Command + 1 (Mac) or control +1 (windows), choose Text as the type
4. Delete what you typed
5. copy paste gene names into your formatted excel

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Azure notebook cannot run any jupyter notebook

I encountered an error about running jupyter notebook files on Azure.
I selected a file and ran it. But it directed me to the folder page, without connecting to the notebook.

Solution: log out and log in again

Python edit categorical data

Packages like scanpy uses categorical data to store information. To manipulate it, you need to convert it to string format first

thing = [str(i) for i in thing]

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

How to save images from word with high resolution/ without decreasing quality

Save as is a bad method to save images stored in a word file. An easy way is:

Save as a webpage
And then look for your picture in the companion folder

Team viewer Stuck at initializing display parameters

When I tried to remote-control my other computer, the connection was established but the pop-up screen was stuck with the pending message "initializing display parameters". This didn't occur earlier. So it must have been runtime errors instead of wrong settings.

The solution:
Use task manager on PC or Activity Monitor(search that app and open it) on Mac and stop all the TeamViewer processes on the computer you are using to control other computers. Restart the software, wait till it's ready, connet, and it might work.

This solution is actually Method 6 of an article. More scenarios can be find there:

Saturday, June 1, 2019

how to install different versions of the same R package

Use devtools:

devtools::install_github(repo = "satijalab/seurat", ref = "release/3.0")

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Create a folder on Outlook email

On the left panel, click on your email address or wherever you want to create a folder
Click "New Folder"

Friday, May 24, 2019

[Solved]Cambridge water account cannot log on/cannot be registered for new property

First you need to call to start your account, which may take up to 10 weeks.
Then call again to check whether it's ready, until you receive a bill with your customer reference number on the paper

Then it's time to register online https://www.cambridge-water.co.uk/my-account/

If you received your customer reference number but couldn't register online, they may say your reference number and other information do not match their records. Please check this:

1. Whether they swapped your first and last names when you called them (They did that to me)
2. Whether they typed the wrong postcode (Their system couldn't recognize my postcode. So they told me what they system thinks my postcode should be)

You can call them to make them create an account for you. The system would send you an email notification.

However it didn't send me an email.

So for that case you should go to the website and click forgot password

And then type your information to retrieve the password to reset password


Wednesday, May 22, 2019

illustrator show more tools on the left panel

On the bottom of the left panel, click the three-dot thing which is called "Edit Toobar..."
In the window that pops up, click the top right three-bar logo
Pick Advanced

Thursday, May 16, 2019

How to save MATLAB figures/heatmaps/clustergrams as vectorized images

File -> Export Setup -> Rendering
check Custom renderer , choose painters, save as svg

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

[solved] Illustrator: image resolution/quality drops after cropping an image

I was trying to crop an image. But whenever I finish cropping, the quality drops.
The solution: drag and enlarge that image, crop, and then shrink it back to the original size.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

How to save figures produced in R

If it's produced by ggplot or any programs that use it, you can use this function:
ggsave(filename, plot=last_plot(), device = "eps", path="./Figures", scale=1,dpi = 300)

[solved]pdf file changed colors when imported to illustrator

The reason is unmatched color modes (CMYK or RGB)

Open the file in Illustrator,  File -> Document color mode -> RGB color or CMYK color

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

[solved]Macbook doesn't remember wifi password. How to set automatic connection with remembered password

Open network preferences either from "system preferences" or by clicking on the wifi logo to open network preferences

Then click "advanced..."

If you don't see the network you want to save, you may click on the "+" and manually type the settings:
check the box of remember network this computer has joined , security as WPA2 personal AES , DNS settings as and , no proxies must be enabled


[Excel]how to quickly duplicate (copy-paste) a cell to multiple cells

Copy one cell as usual,
then select the cells you want to paste in,

Sunday, May 5, 2019

How to stop Gmail app asking which browser (Safari/Chrome) to use when opening a link in an email

Gmail tends to give you options about which browser to use to open a link. You either open the link using safari or you can "get" chrome which will direct you to app store to download GOOGLE chrome as browser. This is annoying that you have to be asked the same question everytime you open a new link.

To abolish this, do:

Open Gmail app -> click on the three-bar icon on top left
->scroll down to the bottome -> click settings -> click Default apps

Then you will see on the top "Open browser in"
Make sure the switch (ask me which app to use every time) is off

Friday, May 3, 2019

how to show the complete figure in a cell of Jupyter notebook

Sometimes a Jupyter cell/command will output a figure that is large.
You can shrink this cell and use a scroll bar to move it up and down, by clicking on the left bar (rectangle region on the left)
Click it again to restore the full view

Thursday, May 2, 2019

How to electronically fill a PDF form/ add text/ recognize fields/ sign a signature using Adobe acrobat

1. Recognize boxes/fields to fill:
On the right panel, Tools -> Forms -> Edit
If  you are asked whether to detect form fields, click yes

2. Add/type texts:
On the right panel, Tools -> Content -> Add or edit text box
Then click onto the position you want to fill text and type

3. Sign your signature:

To sign:
Tools(on the right panel) -> Sign & Certify -> Apply Ink signature
Then you sign

To change the color:
Click on the signature -> right click -> properties -> click on the color box and choose your desired color

How to change the color of PDF signatures to black/red

To sign:
Tools(on the right panel) -> Sign & Certify -> Apply Ink signature
Then you sign

To change the color:
Click on the signature -> right click -> properties -> click on the color box and choose your desired color

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Get row names and column names for python pandas dataframe

In python you do:

In R you do:

[MATLAB] save/write numeric array/vector/matrix to a file


Friday, March 29, 2019

Macbook external monitor display can't show up / disappear when macbook screen lid is closed

There are requirements for the closed-clamshell / closed-lid mode to work, such as:
  • AC power plug-in

more information is here: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/HT201834

Monday, March 25, 2019

[Solved]Macbook display horizontally stretched after display/screen put to sleep

I opened my macbook which was connected to two external screens. They resized mysteriously: horizontally stretched so that the texts were too fat.

I tried using system preference - > displays and switched to other modes but no luck.

The solution turned out to be surprisingly simple (not restarting the computer):

Close the lid of your macbook and reopen it.

Now everything looks fine!

IT support told me that I should restart my computer once per week to prevent this type of things from happening, in the long run.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

[solved] __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'height' seaborn

The cause is :
seaborn is outdated
pip3 install seaborn --upgrade

Check whether Jupyter notebook is running or disconnected

cmd + s to save the notebook

When running through a server, I was blindly trusting the [*] and the hour glass. A better way to check whether the notebook is running is cmd + s to save the notebook. If it's still running and should be saved properly. If it's not, an error message would occur.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

how to set Beeway lock chain password

1 unlock the lock chain
2 rotate the switch to 90 degree
3 set your password
4 rotate the switch back

more details:

Error: C stack usage is too close to the limit

Change the limit:


Monday, March 18, 2019

[Solved]scp: /home/ubuntu/ Permission denied

When using scp to move files to a server folder, I got errors saying permission denied.
It turned out that the destination folder can't accept files directly.
I moved these files to other folders instead (using the same user credentials)

[Solved] Outlook Sent mail/trash/junk panel is missing

Move your cursor over the left edge of the outlook window, until it becomes a bidirectional arrow.

Move it towards the right, and then the panel will appear, showing inbox/drafts/archive/sent... etc.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

[solved] how to lock screen - Macbook Pro 2018

1.System preferences -> Keyboard -> Customize touch bar
2.expand the touch bar -> Click and drag "Screen lock" onto the touch bar

More information: http://osxdaily.com/2017/02/22/screen-lock-macbook-pro-touch-bar/

[Solved]Matlab Clustergram error: Value must be a 1x2 vector of numeric type in which the second element is larger than the first and may be Inf

I was calling clustergram() and got these errors:

Error using clustergram>computeDendrogram (line 1279)
Encountered error while computing hierarchical clusters:
Value must be a 1x2 vector of numeric type in which the
second element is larger than the first and may be Inf
Error in clustergram/computeClusters (line 909)
        [Z1, H1, ~, perm1] = computeDendrogram(data,...
Error in clustergram (line 413)

The cause was: I accidentally gave it a 1Xn vector for clustering
Why I got a 1Xn vector?
Because I was using table2array to concert a variable that was already an array

[solved]ImportError: cannot import name 'neighbors' with Jupyter notebook

import scanpy as sc

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/scanpy/preprocessing/init.py in <module>() 7 from ._combat import combat 8 ----> 9 from ..neighbors import neighbors
ImportError: cannot import name 'neighbors'

I came across that error and found the cause:
I upgraded scanpy while jupyter was still running.

Solution: restart jupyter notebook

Sunday, March 10, 2019

UK nectar sainsbury's: how to register your nectar card online

first try to log in using your nectar card number
After you type in your card number, it will ask you to register. Follow the instructions and finally they will link the new account to your card

Outlook: add a new automatic signature

Open a new email message
Draft -> edit signature -> + -> type your signature text
Choose your default when sending new or replying messages

You can even add pictures in your signature by clicking the image icon.

More details: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/create-and-add-a-signature-to-messages-8ee5d4f4-68fd-464a-a1c1-0e1c80bb27f2

Friday, March 8, 2019

managing python versions using anaconda environments

conda create --name py2.7
conda create -n py2.7 python=2.7
conda activate py2.7

How to shut down a Jupyter Notebook

To shutdown, delete, duplicate, or rename a notebook check the checkbox next to it and an array of controls will appear at the top of the notebook list (as seen below). You can also use the same operations on directories and files when applicable.

Openstack can't mount volume

sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdb
mke2fs 1.44.1 (24-Mar-2018)
The file /dev/vdb does not exist and no size was specified.

sudo sed '/^\/dev\/vdb/ d' -i /etc/fstab sudo reboot & ( sleep 30; echo 'b' > /proc/sysrq-trigger )

sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/vdb sudo mount /dev/vdb /mnt sudo chown -R ubuntu: /mnt cd /mnt && dd if=/dev/zero of=deleteme oflag=direct bs=1M count=1024 && rm deleteme

Friday, March 1, 2019

Macbook: How to forget a network

1.Click on Wifi logo
2.Click "Open Network Preferences..."
3.Click on Wifi tab
4.Click Advanced....
5.Select the wifi you want to forget, click "-"

Thursday, February 21, 2019

[Solved]Can't delete Mac backup in progress files: how to delete the partial backup file of Time Machine

A big mistake people usually make is to manually delete a backup that Time Machine has created or has been trying to create. Once you delete it, it will be moved to the trash and get stuck there. You can't empty the trash or put it back.

One solution is to use Admin permission to completely delete it:

cd /Volumes/(backup drive name)/.Trashes/
sudo ls 501/
sudo rm -rf 501/Backups.backupdb/

More information is here:

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Hidden rules for zotero citation Google Chrome Extension

1. When you want to grab the paper's identity to save to your library, make sure you are using the same platform to view the article (e.g, only use Google Scholar). Because Zotero is not good at formatting different websites' styles coherently.

2. Make sure you add commas and mind the orders of citations by yourself

3. Duplicated library items can be automatically detected but have to be manually removed with care

4. Don't hit the Refresh button in Word too many times while it's loading slowly. Word may have to be restarted

Monday, February 18, 2019

[Word]how to add automatic page number to refer specific pages/sections in a thesis/dissertation/article

To make automatic numbering work, Word has to know what are the anchor points it needs to pay attention to. These anchor points are usually called headings.

Create texts using heading formats.

Then put your cursor to wherever you want to insert the page number, then:
Reference -> Cross-reference then follow the instructions

Thursday, February 14, 2019

display/print R object attribute property/dimension/size without printing all of their contents

While it's been suggested to use attribute()
It's actually more user-friendly to use


Wednesday, February 6, 2019

How to quickly insert empty cells on Excel

Move your cursor to the bottom right of a cell, the curser will become a thin "+"
Hold on Shift, Click and drag it down or right, empty cells will be filled along the way

Thursday, January 31, 2019

convert a very long web page into a single-page pdf file

Print using system settings
paper size -> customize, set a large length parameter while maintaining the width
Then save to pdf

If you want to do text recognition by Adobe acrobat, you can't let the length be over 45 inch.
So you'll have to proportionally decrease width, length and scale, all of these three parameters.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

nucleus speckles, cajal bodies, nucleolus and more


Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Illustrator workshop at Art Center 01/24/15

Reset massedup windows:
Window -> Workspace -> Reset essential
You can even save your workspace(layout of windows)
Personalize interface:
Illustrator -> Preference ->User interface
Create new files:
command + n
Bleed: for the file to be sent to the printer
1 inch = 72 points
1 pica = 12 points
Perfect Sqaure:
hold shift
hold option (to draw from the center)
option + shift + draw: perfect sqaure from the center
After you create a rectangle, while you can still resize it by clicking and dragging, you can click and hold & press space to move it

Creating precise size of rectangle:
click on the rectangle tool, then directly click on a point on the blank file. Then it asks for precise parameters

rounded rectangle:
click and hold rectangle, choose rounded rectangle, while holding mouse, click up and down on keyboard to adjust edge

rectangle -> polygon and draw. while holding the mouse, use up and down to control the number of edges

similar as above. While hoding the mouse, if you also hold command you can adjust the outer part, if you release command then the outer and inner scale together

when you hold shift, you draw horizontal, vertical or diagonal

similar as above
The best part is: click on the type on a path tool (T), and click on the spiral. Then you can type

To type on the inside: type -> type on a path -> type on a path options -> check flip

[solved]Google Calendar Can't add task

Make sure you checked the task box on the left panel

Monday, January 28, 2019

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

WGCNA: signed vs signed hybrid

In a signed network, the similarity is defined as (1+cor)/2; in a signed hybrid the similarity equals the correlation if the correlation is positive and zero otherwise


Monday, January 7, 2019

California DMV vehicle registration renew fee was increased in 2018


Illustrator insert/type brackets

Type -> Glyphs

Then you can type that symbol using this symbol font (as text)

Import pdf images to Illustrator

File -> Open


UCSC genome browser hide track names and track descriptions

1.Click on the left rectangle bar of any track
2.Click All Tracks (blue underlined link)
3.Uncheck display track descriptions etc.

Instagram scammer Chris Londo


This guy collects photos of other males and manages multiple instagram accounts

Sunday, January 6, 2019

UCSC Genome browser cannot load[solved]

The solution for me this time turned out to be:

Use a different wifi network.

Our campus secure Wifi network blocked UCSC genome browser!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

China Eastern Airline : Please select Nationality 中国东方航空(东航):请选择居住国

When you are trying to add a passenger and fill in their personal information to get both boarding passes, this usually pops up. The bug is intrinsic and there is no way to fix it because the pop-up form they ask you to fill about a co-traveler's information doesn't have the item of Nationality to choose. So the app will never get the nationality it requires to proceed.

The solution is: use a computer to get your boarding pass.

东航的APP有bug 请用网上值机